by emilyaarons | Mar 29, 2019 | Podcast

In our 12th episode of the Aligned & Unstoppable podcast, Emily talks with her good friend Sara Drury about her journey away from the beauty industry into her alignment. Helping women with their inner beauty and finding their passion on a very deep level. Podcast host of the Inner Beauty School. which led her to tapping into her intuition in a whole new way. Learn how to quiet those inner limiting thoughts and give yourself permission to become ultra powerful.
<Episode Highlights:
- Emily & Sara met at Business By Design with James Wedmore. They were some of his first clients in this program.
- Sara was initially a makeup artist and then expanded her services to teaching women about makeup and inner beauty via online video.
- She faced feelings of self-doubt and fear during the season of stepping into her new business/calling.
- The journey from fear to self-confidence is a continual process that never truly ends. It starts with giving yourself permission and not caring what others will say or what the outcome will be.
- Her makeup business was successful but she didn’t feel fulfilled anymore. She was doing the right things but her inner wisdom told her she wasn’t in the right spot.
- Your ego will fight against what you know you need to do.
- In order to go to your next level, you have to become a different person; which means that there’s a part of you that must die. When you first start this journey it may be painful.
- You may face resistance or resentment from family and friends as you actively try not to be the same person you were when y’all first met.
- Your journey to freedom will cause others to look inward and examine their own life.”
3 Key Points:
- Meditating doesn’t always have to be guided, it can be freestyle (ex. walking the dog)
- We don’t always have to DO in order to GET; rather we need to be OPEN to RECEIVING
- Let your heart guide you and not your mind; if you’re thinking, that’s when you get stuck, anxious and worried
Tweetable Quotes:
- “Give yourself permission to step into the bigger version of yourself!” – Sara Drury
- “It’s scary to step into that place where you know you’re meant to be.” – Sara Drury
- “Resistance from your ego is proof that you’re getting into alignment.” – Emily Aarons
- “When you’re getting into alignment your life may blow up in a way you weren’t expecting before it settles back down.” – Sara Drury
- “If you’re truly committed to the dream that you’re building, then you have to be willing to let go of the things that are not able to come on the rest of the journey with you.” – Sara Drury
- “Give yourself permission to have a transition!” – Emily Aarons
Resources Mentioned:
Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
by emilyaarons | Mar 29, 2019 | Podcast

Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
by emilyaarons | Mar 29, 2019 | Podcast

In our 10th episode of the Aligned & Unstoppable podcast, Christina Jandali joins Emily to discuss proven strategies that help online business owners stand out, get seen and create consistent profits using a free Facebook Group. Christina is a confidence-boosting, cash-creating Success Coach for entrepreneurs “whose dreams stretch way beyond a corporate career”. Listen in as she gives advice on winning content strategies, the importance of consistent growth and creative ways to make offers to your clients.
Episode Highlights:
- Christina’s life changed when her daughter was born: She made a commitment then to pave the way for her by showing her what it’s like to pursue your dreams.
- She was growing her coaching business painfully slow by attending networking events when she discovered the power of the online space.
- Even as she began to build her list online, she still felt things were really cold and there was a missing connection with people.
- This is when she came up with the idea of starting her own community – her own Facebook Group, and her income grew substantially.
- Initially, her primary focus was on growth: She grew the group to 865 members in the first month!
- As the group began to grow she developed a content strategy that focused on 3 things:
- 1) Building Engagement
- 2) Generating Leads
- 3) Leading Into Sales
- Don’t forget to consistently make offers to your clients.
- Conversion rates from Facebook groups can be 2-5X more than from email lists.
3 Key Points:
- Your Facebook group runs parallel to your email list: The conversation happens in the group and the email list is the actionable piece.
- Engagement in your group is going to be dependent on the REACH of your posts, so you want to make sure there is consistent growth in your group.
- If you don’t have a content strategy in place then you’ll end up outlaying a lot of time without seeing comparable results
Tweetable Quotes:
- “We have “comparisonitis” of other people – where we comparing our whole life reel to someone else’s highlight reel” – Christina Jandali
- “When was the last time I made an offer?” – Christina Jandali
- “Your facebook group should be growing your email list for you” – Christina Jandali
- “It’s not about you, it’s about your people” – Christina Jandali
- “Get into the internal.” – Christina Jandali
- “The quality of our life is determined by the questions we ask” – Emily Aarons
- “Everyone has a desire to be heard” – Christina Jandali
- “What do people need to know in order to buy my offer?” – Christina Jandali
- “There is no other person in this world that can connect, teach and land with people in the way in which you can” – Christina Jandali
Resources Mentioned:
Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
by emilyaarons | Mar 29, 2019 | Podcast

Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
by emilyaarons | Mar 29, 2019 | Podcast

In our 8th episode of the Aligned & Unstoppable podcast, Deb Laflamme, Owner & Chief Ideapreneur of For the Love of Your Biz, busts some common myths about meditation and provides guidance on addressing anxiety and other overwhelming feelings. Deb reveals the evolution of her own practice and how gratitude and quiet integration have played a huge role in her business success. Deb supports a varied list of clients and businesses, from retail to real estate, including small local businesses, fitness and health coaches and solopreneurs. Offering you creative ways to tell your brand story is her main objective.
Episode Highlights:
- Deb had misconceptions about meditation early on – thinking it was just a mixture of yoga and quiet time
- Her meditation journey started with an 8 minute guided meditation that Emily made
- You can be meditating while doing other activities such as walking; Deb considers herself a freestyle meditator
- Deb practices being grateful for not only what you have, but what’s to come
- If you’re new to meditating then start with just 1 minute a day
- After the Karma Cleanse with Emily in January 2019 she felt “broken”, so in February she began doing a lot of clarity work
- Being “Unstoppable” means you’re open and your arms are out wide and you’re ready for whatever is going to come your way; you’re not chasing things
- Taking a pause allows you to be ready for that next level; this gives your body time to integrate where new energy wants to expand to
- Deb hurt her back and she was laid up for weeks. The day she could stand on both feet without pain she developed the Love Your Biz map – 5 Elements you need in order to love your business
- This map turned into a sold-out live event which then turned into her first long term mentorship program which also sold out and has since doubled in size
- Give yourself permission for exhaling, pausing and not always being in creation mode
- Listen to what your body wants and don’t fight it; when you fight it you get sick
- Her life shifted when she began to realize that her gifts were really important
- You can’t get out of the stuck and the worry until you give yourself time for a pause…time to integrate
- Stop focusing on the minutiae of the “how”, and instead focus on how I can show up and serve people toda3
- Intentional marketing is not about more content, it’s about being intentional with your clients
- The secret of intentional marketing: if your message comes from your heart instead of your head then your business will grow exponentially
- Deb Laflamme attributes her success to the meditations she started doing two years ago
- She is more successful now than before by working less, being more intentional & clear about what her audience needs from her and what she can actually offer to them
- There is a difference between having a relationship with negative thoughts (ex. depression, anxiety) and BEING those thoughts
- It’s powerful when you, as the business owner, get to decide who you work with
- By trying to be all things to all people (and not outsourcing smaller tasks), you are taking away money from your own business and energy from your clients
3 Key Points:
- Meditating doesn’t always have to be guided, it can be freestyle (ex. walking the dog)
- We don’t always have to DO in order to GET; rather we need to be OPEN to RECEIVING
- Let your heart guide you and not your mind; if you’re thinking, that’s when you get stuck, anxious and worried
Tweetable Quotes:
- “Success doesn’t come from working hard” – Deb Laflamme
- “We are always receiving whether we’re conscious of it or not” – Emily Aarons
- “It’s in the exhale that you receive so much insight and wisdom” – Emily Aarons
- “If you take the approach that life is happening to you then you are always a victim” – Emily Aarons
- “Praying is asking; meditation is listening” – Emily Aarons
- “It’s ok to ask the questions, as long as you sit and listen to the answers” – Deb Laflamme
- “You will never be less than you are today” – Deb Laflamme
Resources Mentioned:
Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
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