How to tune out negative self-talk
It doesn’t matter how old you are or how “spiritual” you are, we all get that inner voice that says the worst stuff to us!
This voice is better known as our EGO…although, I sometimes call it the “asshole in our head”, funny but true, right!?
Having suffered with depression on and off during my early 20’s and into my 30’s, I know this all too well. As soon as I’d have an idea for how to build up my business, stand up for myself in an unhealthy relationship, or simply just take better care of myself, that voice would sweep in and sabotage me every single time.
I’ve had clients who are just starting their meditation practice, and that dang a$$#ole comes right back!
I’m glad you asked!
The short answer is ignore it and keep practicing meditation anyway. Sometime’s I actually find myself saying “NO THANK YOU” out loud or changing my physical environment to shift the energy and to stop the mind chatter!
The ego has a job to do, which is to keep you small and safe. (Think helpless puppy, aww!)
This is great most of the time, but if you’re really looking to grow emotionally, spiritually, or financially, your ego will come up to sabotage you.
Please remember this is NORMAL and it’s to be expected.
Now that you know what it is, you can prepare yourself ahead of time.
Start to recognize that all the “negative self-talk” are simply stories your ego is feeding you so that you quit growing. Take it as a sign that you’re ready to expand and you can make the CHOICE to not listen to your ego’s commentary or demands.
You always have a choice.
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Hope we get to work together soon!
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