Love IS in the air!

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February is so annoying, right!? All about Valentine’s Day…a holiday I do NOT observe! If you’re in a relationship, you suddenly have ridiculous expectations to do SOMETHING romantic and spend money to prove your love and affection. If you’re not in a relationship, it can cause unnecessary stress and anxiety…or worse…make you think something is wrong with you! EWWWW NO THANKS!

This month in my private Meditation Group, we’re focusing on DEEPER CONNECTIONS, self-love, and the REAL definition of soulmates. Here’s a hint…soulmates aren’t just your romantic partner!

Soulmates by definition, are “mates” or friends that you’ve agreed to travel through lifetimes together with! Before you incarnated into a human, you were just a beautiful soul. You chose to enter into a human life to learn specific lessons so that you could evolve to the next level. The ironic part, is that when we actually showed up here on earth in this body, we were given our first gift…WE FORGOT WHAT WE CAME HERE FOR!

Isn’t it funny how EVERYONE is obsessed with finding their “life’s purpose”?!! We all want to know…because we forgot!

We have plenty of “soulmates” that show up as friends, family, co-workers, even that asshole that cut you off the other day!! We actually CHOSE them and the lesson they bring us. (Annoying right!?)

I always joke that Andrew, my husband, is one of my best teachers. He’s able to teach me all kinds of things. SOMEWHERE along my spiritual journey, I asked to uncover parts of me that have been in hiding or dormant. What Andrew does best is to help me live up to my potential! He helps me to not back down from who I am inside. To stand up for myself and my work. I’ve been in relationships where that wasn’t the case and I got lost “trying” to be something to someone else, not REALLY true to me. I realized (through divorce) I couldn’t do that. I couldn’t hide who I was just to make it easier for someone to love me! That makes NO SENSE! If I wasn’t really ME, then they were in love with someone else anyway…no logic! I swear, at the time it make perfect sense!!

I want to give you a gift, it’s not chocolate or roses, its a deeper connection with YOU. That part of you that’s inside, screaming (or whispering!) to get out. 

For a limited time, I’m offering you a chance to go deeper. To get answers that will get you clarity in your life and your business.

I’m extending my Soul Book Editing & Energy Sessions Introductory for 5 more sessions. This is the fastest way to get that answer you’ve needed and to move forward.

If this is calling your name, I won’t be offering it at this price much longer and SPACE IS LIMITED!  The price will increase because the transformation is POWERFUL. It’s not like anything else I’ve offered!

All my love,