From Broke to Thriving:

Students Share Their Energy Alignment Success

Ready to break up with being broke and unlock your potential to build a successful energy-based business? I’ve brought together an incredible group of students from my Integrated Energy Alignment Training to share their journeys, discuss the power of inner energy work, and reveal how they’ve blended IEA with other modalities to create thriving practices.

In this conversation, we dive into the challenges and strategies of practicing and marketing energy work, as well as the crucial role of personal branding in building a successful practice.

My guests, all IEA students and graduates, open up about their experiences with the IEA Training, how it helped them trust their intuition, and provided them the skills to establish their online businesses and communicate the energy work effectively with clients.

Finally, we explore the benefits of IEA coaching training and the power of setting a new standard for growing a sustainable and profitable healing or coaching business.

Learn about the structure and backend of the program, and how it can help coaches craft their own programs and support clients on their transformative journeys. Don’t miss this inspiring episode, and be sure to learn more about our upcoming retreat and the value it brings to the program!

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • [0:00:02] Breaking Up With Being Broke
  • [0:19:36] Practicing and Marketing Energy Work
  • [0:29:31] Pricing and Energy Shifts
  • [0:33:07] IEA Business Training and Community Support
  • [0:44:21] Coach Training vs. Practitioner Training
  • [0:47:52] Investing in IEA for Personal Growth
  • [0:52:42] New Training and Workshop Announcement

Click here to read the full transcript ‣‣‣

Emily A: Hey, podcast listeners! Welcome back. I am so excited. This is an episode that has been a long time coming and I do really mean that with everything in me, I have brought together a stellar group of students from my IEA training that’s Integrated Energy Alignment Training. I’ve invited them to be here, both past students and who are graduated, as well as some current students who are about to graduate. And I wanted them to be here because I felt like this is a great conversation to have with all of them present versus me just telling you what it is.

So today’s episode, we’re going to talk about really what it is to break up with being broke and to tap into your own energy, your own skill set, building a business and really how these folks who are here in this room with me, how they got to join the IEA training. They’re going to be sharing from their own words, not from outside of their experience in their background. So please welcome them all. I’ve got Carla Miller, Jamie LiCausi, Shannon Miller, Allison dela Torre, Emily Pearl, Suzy Almeida and Millie Barra. So welcome them all. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. All of you are waving. For those of you who are listening to the podcast, please also check out my YouTube channel. So You will get a full view of everybody here that I’m looking at so you can kind of get the feel of like the energy in the space as well.

So before I get into kind of interviewing my friends here, I want to talk about sort of where IEA came from. So I’ve been doing energy work for the last 23 years. I was trained in polarity therapy and other advanced energy trainings and Akashic Records and Distance Healing, and it was in January of 2022 where I had actually just had COVID. I was super sick and I pretty much felt like I hit my rock bottom and I bottomed out totally. And when I woke up the next morning, I started listening to a couple of my own meditations that cleared my energy, got me back feeling amazing, and it was like I snapped my finger and suddenly this whole program was like, ready to come in and be delivered. So that morning I was like, hey, Andrew, my husband. I’m like, please take the children for a few hours. I had some scheduling to do, and I basically just wrote out the entirety of the framework for the IEA Training, which I will say is pretty genius, except for the fact that I had no idea how to actually put that all together. That came through connecting with Amanda Pickering, who is now my CEO. Oh, I hired her at the time just to be the project manager, but fortunately for me, she’s still here. I’m so, so grateful.

So the background was basically I had brought this program together because I knew practitioners that needed the business skills who had been doing other certifications. They maybe did Breathwork or Hypnotherapy or Reiki or other sorts of certifications but didn’t have the business skills. And also the people who maybe just wanted a career change, they wanted to get deeper into their spiritual practice or deeper into healing work, and this was completely a new avenue for them.

So by a show of hands, raise your hand if the IEA Training was the first ever brand new to healing modality of this sort. Raise your hands, friends. So Jamie. Carla wiggling kind of. How about Suzy, were you – is this new for you? Yes. Yeah. So for you as well.

Suzy: Yeah.

Emily A: And then for Shannon and Allison, Emily and Millie, you guys all had a lot of training. You’ve been through multiple sort of. So the ladies who’ve had all the trainings, would you mind sharing some of the training that you’d already been through that you maybe still utilize?

Millie: Yeah, I’ll go. So I’m a certified emotion code and body code practitioner along with EFT tapping. So emotional freedom, technique tapping. And I had worked in my own practice for about two years. I entered it in 2020. And really, though I feel like those modalities that I use while they are in the energy medicine field, right, and working with your energy field, they were very like I had charts to lean on and like very tangible for me versus what Emily offers, which is really trusting my own gifts and my own abilities, my intuition. And it’s just been really beautiful to see how I’ve been able to kind of bridged both of them that really settle in to my calling as an energy worker.

Emily A: Yeah, I love that. And I mean, that’s why the word integrated is in the name is it is designed to be able to blend into other modalities as well. Thanks, Millie. What about Emily? Have you found like you can blend the work with that like you do Akashic Records and so many other things, but how do you feel it’s been for you in your practice?

Emily P: Um, I definitely feel like I’m a certified Akashic record consultant, and I also do soul-purpose success coaching. And I’ve learned energy work through many different modalities, through Reiki, through the Akashic record work. I’ve worked with Barbara Brennan like the hands of light style healing. So with integrating it into the IEA certification, it has it’s integrated really well. The biggest reason I really wanted to go into IEA is for the online business training to learn how to put an online business together. But also I really wanted to learn how to talk about the energy work more, like with my clients and be able to verbalize like what I was feeling and what was happening. And I definitely feel like I’ve been able to integrate that really well into this work.

Emily A: Oh God, I love that. And that’s like part of the biggest challenge with practitioners who aren’t making the money they desire is simply like articulating your offer, articulating the transformation. And from day one, you know, I remember you guys all going to the program, like, how do I tell people I had these practice sessions?

What exactly is this? It’s like, that’s where we start versus a lot of times after certifications are through, you’re like, now how do I get people? So that’s also what makes IEA so different, so special is that you’re starting practice sessions from really day one and being able to articulate what you do, how you do it, who it’s for, who it’s not for, And the transformation that’s possible is a lot of the work that goes into, you know, being able to sell yourself, being able to talk in session and outside of session, really be able to market yourself.

So other thing is that the IEA training, which is different from I mean, I don’t know if you guys get served a lot of ads for other courses or certifications. I’ve been seeing a lot of them like, well, get breath work for only $17 the certified crystal ball healer and like these different certifications and it’s like at a bargain basement low low rate. I’m curious what you guys feel about that. Do you feel like that those low prices keep the integrity of the training or do you feel like they’re just like trying to appeal to masses and just like pushing things out there? What do you what what do you guys feel about that?

Carla: I actually did one of those.

Emily A: Oh, yeah. Tell me about that, Carla.

Carla: Um, well, after doing I, I was very disappointed, and I actually invested in another coach to be learned. Um, I feel it’s more about just getting the people and get in the sale. Like it was a Reiki call, and we just watched the modules, and then at the end, she did the. See, I can’t remember…

Emily A: Exactly.

Carla: So we got like an initiation. But then afterwards there was no like, feedback from her. There was no way to ask questions you to email them and you didn’t have this connection with the people, you know, to converse about what was coming up for you or what you’d experience. Then, you know, getting other people’s views and things. So yeah, I think you set the bar so high of a really good stuff to go in and the quality of the people. So yeah, I am not a fan though. Not that every low I’m sure is not the same, but my experience wasn’t very good.

Emily A: Yeah, which is unfortunate. And thank you for saying that. And I think that’s also been what’s been so challenging for me as the course creator is setting such a high bar, setting such a high standard for integrity to hold that healing. Ah, but also to be able to hold the integrity, to hold my mission, which is to help impact the lives of millions of practitioners, to help create wealth for them. And if I’m setting such a low bar and letting anybody in the door, I’m not really caring about their practice sessions or if they are practicing or anything, to even give them the time to answer their questions. That’s just that’s such a low standard. So for me, setting this high standard, it does require a lot more of me, it requires a lot more of my team, but that’s what we want. And part of that is to uphold this level of seriousness. And, you know, I know you guys have gone through your ups and downs through completing the course.

Is anybody raise your hand, is there any of the point in training? Did you feel like, oh, shoot, like, I don’t know if I can make it. I don’t think I can finish this. This is like pretty rigorous. So the majority. Okay. All right, everybody, except Allison, thank you. Allison. Tell me about that because everybody else raised their hand.

Allison: Um. Well, I think I’ve done so many certification classes. I’ve never done any of the low-cost ones. So I’m used to the fact of and at least I think it partially has to do with me as well, that when I set my mind to do something, I’m going to do it. I’m not going to do it half-assed. And I’m going to complete it, like that’s who I am. So and having done so many other certification courses that required practice sessions and paid practice sessions and and all of that, it was kind of like, Oh, this is totally manageable.

Emily A: I love that. Well, thank you. And like, really thank you. Because when you first lined up, I was like, okay, so there are going to be practitioners who are really dedicated, who are really here to take it seriously. So your joining was evidence that there is more people out there for me. That’s what you also gave me that little gift too, because I really believe that part of the reason that we have this like broke healer, broke coaching that’s going on, this narrative that’s going on, is partly to do with these cheap courses that have no integrity behind them. And people don’t actually care if you go through them, if you complete them, if you practice, if you don’t, it doesn’t really matter. And so it’s like just bring some more people in here.

And so you also are in the minority in that most people who do online courses do not complete them. So you have the mindset of like, if I’m going to do it, I’m going to do it. I feel the same way. I’m the same if I sign up, like I’m going to try to do 17 modules in a day. And I’m like, I want to go through it as best as possible. That’s a character flaw of my own. But but, but really, part of what is so special is that we do take the time to have an integration week.

So basically the formula of IEA, we have three weeks on, one week off, and every single month the students are required to do a certain number of practice sessions, single sessions, and then at a certain point in the program, they start to build up their confidence a little bit and they start to get a little bit more excited about what they’re doing and knowing what they’re doing. So then we start to charge for our sessions. And I remember so before I get into that, actually, I’m feeling like I want to back up when you guys, so the folks of like I would say, Jamie and Suzy, folks who had never done any sort of training before when you had to start doing practice sessions, they were required, what kind of came up for you?

Jamie: The practice sessions were interesting, I would say to kind of like backtrack a little bit is I found the hardest part of the course the first couple of weeks where and even our first like session where we did energy work on each other, not even clients yet, like I was so nervous. But then eventually I like, warmed up and got into it and that’s what, that’s what I was here for, was to like, learn how to tap into my intuition. And so when doing the practice sessions, I was scared, but I kind of just gave up that like, gave up that control and kind of tapped into my body like you taught us to and just rolled with it. And so after the first time, after the first round, I did ten sessions. I was like, okay, I got through it. And then I saw the next month that people were returning for more sessions. And so that was definitely a confidence booster that like, okay, I can get through the rest of this course, let’s keep going. So it was really fun.

Emily A: And I remember when you started to you’re like, I don’t even know what I’m doing here. And this is probably. Not for me. I don’t know this is it for me. I don’t know what I’m even here for. I remember you were like that.

Jamie: Yeah, because I come from I work in forensic science and how I found you, actually, Emily. And, you know, the story is that I was in, like, a dark space. You know, my grandfather passed away. I found out I didn’t want to be a doctor anymore. I was having trouble in some relationships that I was had. And I found your podcast randomly. I loved your picture. And so the little icon you have on your podcast and I was like, let’s try this one out. And from the minute I listened to you, I was like, this is it, right? I was like, I want to work with her. And this has been the whole training course I was offered. And I was like, This is it.

And yeah, when I enrolled in your course, I had no intention of being a practitioner. I solely signed up to learn how to control my own energy and really listen to my mind, my body, my soul, what it needs. Because my entire life I’ve only ever been told what I need. And so my mindset going into your training was just to learn about myself. And I loved the I ended up finding out that I loved this field of work and I enrolled in a coach training reason.

Emily A: That’s good! Well, I’m curious. Does anybody else, want to share their story? Like, I haven’t heard from you, Shannon, yet either. Sort of what what drew you to IEA initially?

Shannon: I’m kind of along the same lines as Jamie actually came across your podcast. And so I was like, Oh, okay, well, let’s, let’s listen to this. And so in listening to you, that kind of got me interested in a lot of the work that you did. And I signed up for M&A, and then I was like, Okay, well, she’s got an IEA, so let’s do that. And starting into the program, I was like, well, I don’t know if I can afford to do this. And I was like, you know what? I’m going to do this for me. I’m just going to sign up. And it was like the minute that I signed up, it was like, Oh, and by the way, here’s the cash flow you were asking for to pay for it. So I was like, score…

Emily A: Oh my gosh, what happened? I love hearing these stories. I never get old. What happened to what shifted?

Shannon: I guess for me, it was my whole mindset of, okay, well, you know, I’m not interested in the field that I’m currently in. So, you know, I want to kind of dive in and go head straight into energy work. And so I was like, okay, I’m going to sign up for this certification. And I was like, okay, you know, in the back of my mind, I’m like, Well, I don’t know how I’m going to pay for this. You know? I just was just sign up for the I think it was like monthly payment plans. And I was like, okay, all right. And so as soon as I had made the decision for myself to do it and sign up, then all of a sudden, you know, the government was like, Oh, you overpaid on your taxes, here you go. And I was like, score! So, yeah, so pretty much that refund pretty much paid for the certification in full.

Emily A: Oh, my God. I remember. I do remember when you signed up, when you started the payments, and then you said, is it okay if I also paid for, which is like any course creator, by the way, it’s like your favorite thing that anybody ever emails you. You’re like, would it be okay?  Of course, it would be okay, get over here. Does anybody else have an interesting story like that when you first signed up having sort of something shift some miraculous happened for you not knowing how to pay and then suddenly something happened?

Millie: I can say I worked with, I worked with Emily in a few different capacities, one on one and then also now an IEA. And every single time is like, amazing, where I have like these new clients that come out of the woodwork that I have no idea how they found me. Like I have I had four new clients that were referred to me by a woman I’ve never met. I have no idea how she found me. And she just started sending me clients after I signed up for your stuff. And I was like, Okay, I’ll take it.

Emily A: Oh, yes. Did that happen to you, Jamie? Something like that happened to you?

Jamie: Yes. Mm hmm. Recently, someone found me through your Facebook platform.

Emily A: Okay.

Jamie: Oh, yeah? Yeah, the group. She scrolled through because I don’t think, you know, I’ve been recently. I’m not a trained practitioner any anymore, so I don’t have training sessions. But she said she was going through some stuff and she wanted to see, she knew you were offering sessions for our sessions, and she was like, scrolling way down and she found me and she signed up and booked a session. And from there she got two other people to book sessions with me. So it’s ever since working with you, Emily, and doing this IEA and like, tapping into myself, like, things have just been coming to me, like, I think it and they and I receive it. It’s so great.

Emily A: Love it, love it so good. And I was going to mention that too. Is that part of what was so genius that I literally, I cannot take credit for, this is was channeled through was part of the practitioners practice sessions we share their booking links within my Mastery & Ascension paid community of people who like energy work. That’s why they’re there. They trust me and they’re interested in getting more healing. And so basically it’s free advertising to people who are already primed and ready, who would like to have some work by them. So every single month we promote their links, which is really a huge benefit to the members, but also a great way for the practitioners to get practice sessions with people who they don’t necessarily know and wouldn’t otherwise be able to like bring people in because it’s not always the easiest thing. So I was going to ask you, Suzy, too, around how it felt tostart doing practice sessions after like, you know, starting the program.

Suzy: It was scary. First of all, you know, when you’re – when you don’t do like a certification and you’re not sure of your own intuition, and then you’re faced with, well, now you’ve got to tune into your trust, your intuition, first of all, and do a session. It was nerve-wracking and trusting my intuition has been the biggest thing with. But with the certification, it’s growing. It’s getting ten times better. You know your program it just the guide, the way it guides you into trusting and believing in yourself and the practice sessions, it just allows you to expand.

Now yeah, I made cards. I’m trying to get out there, but the last two weeks has been a bummer for me because I allow someone to literally put me down and it just stayed with me. But, knowing what you’ve taught us in the course, I know that it will happen. And it is. It’s like Jamie says it like everyone says. It’s changing your mindset and your perception and believing in yourself. And the way I feel with the certification from you Emily, you know that you have guidance, you know that you have help. You know that you can turn to your team for help or answers or practice, which allowed me to grow as a person because I was in a dark place before I even. And it was like, Shannon, I was on your M&A and I remember listening to your first meditation and I cried.

Emily A: Oh.

Suzy: But this is where like how I realized how much I grew. And that was just listening to your podcast. And then once you came out with the IEA certification, I had to do it.

Emily A: Yeah. How did you decide? Like what was it for you that you wanted to sign? What made you want to join?

Suzy: Knowing that I already had, like, intuition and I wanted to know, how could I really tap into who’ll arrive? And what am I here for? I’m looking at like, you know, those cheaper courses. Like your certification to me stood out because there was so much to it. That I was like, I just have to do it. It was just the right time for me to grow.

Emily A: Awesome. Well, I’m glad that you decided. So, Okay, how about for the real fun was when I forced you guys to charge for your sessions? No longer. Everybody and anyone is like, it’s free. And I was like, Oh, it’s like a party or raving out in the backyard. You’re barbecuing, there’s music gone. There’s confetti somewhere. And then all of a sudden you’re like, okay, so also we’re going to start charging. And you look behind. You’re like here we go, Huh, huh? What happened? Does anybody want to share a little fun, more fun story of theirs? I want to know about that because I know that it definitely happens to every single one of you.

Shannon: And I would have to say that when we went from free sessions to charging, I had a whole WTF moment because, you know, here you had all these people lining up for free sessions and then once you started charging it was like crickets. So I kind of had to get inventive and kind of come up with a strategy of, okay, well, you know, let’s figure out what works and what doesn’t work.

Emily A: So what worked for you? Tell me, what did it work? What were you doing that first that wasn’t working? And what did you learn to start doing?

Shannon: I would probably have to say when I first started putting myself out there, it was kind of like, okay, this is what I’m doing. Do you want to sign up? And, you know, it was kind of like. And then once I kind of got a feel for, you know, the type of sessions that I was constantly having and the things that were coming up, like, you know, clarity or purpose, then you kind of where I was able to kind of put, I don’t want to say marketing, but kind of put myself out there.

Emily A: It is marketing and being able to really articulate the transformation that you are delivering for people. For sure, yeah. And also I want to kind of give you a little high five for something else that you did because and one of the coaching calls, you came in with this problem and I said, do you mind if I take a look at your Facebook Page? And when I looked at it, I saw sort of a static image and other beautiful quotes and other like little pretty memes and flowers. And I said, All right, so here’s the first problem. You’re a personal brand. Now, this is not to call out Shannon by herself. This is all a lot of people. And I’m sure there are a lot of people listening right now who are feeling that they’re being called out. I do this with love. I really do.

When you are a personal brand and you show a lotus flower or a quote, how are people supposed to connect with you? They can’t. And so this is how we hide in plain sight. And Shannon, I said something to that degree of, you know, I see you, but I don’t see you. This is technically a page to promote your work. However, I don’t see you anywhere on any of these pictures. How am I going to work with you? Within the day you got your hair done. You took the most gorgeous selfie with your eyes looking right at the camera just so. And it was like, boom, there she is. And it’s like being so open and so coachable that started to open up. People also coming in to say yes for you, I feel.

Shannon: Yeah, I suppose I’d have to totally agree, because the change in the picture and everything, it was like, oh, hey.

Emily A: Did you have any resistance when you finally, like, were very visible, like it was actually you on there?

Shannon: At first I did, because with the belief system that I at the time was working through. I had a really hard time with being seen. So I had quite a bit of resistance. At first, I was like, Well, you know, I don’t know if I want to put my picture out there. And then finally, you know, I kind of sit with it and I’m like, you know what? I’m just going to do it. So I did all this stuff and I was like, oh.

Emily A: Yeah, a lot of people, you know, we’re afraid of the judgment of others. We’re afraid of really being out there. And these things can keep us small, keep us sort of in our little area for far too long. And even sometimes like one of the things not to skip ahead, but one of the things we were talking about at the recent retreat that we all did was around, you know, just speaking directly to the customer who is there, who wants to work with you. You know, are we giving them a lot of colors and images and lots of words and that’s confusing them and overwhelming them? Or are we able to clearly connect with them and give them exactly what they want? Maybe it’s a short, quick one. Maybe it’s a paid session, maybe it’s another something.But there’s so much work that we can always do on that. And I want to share Carla’s story because I remember Carla, when we increased prices, that was definitely a block for you and you overcame it like, like nothing else. So I would love for you to share that story.

Carla: I overcame blocks in every single module. I sat there in the sessions and was like, oh my God, I got this next, how am I going to get from 10 to 20 minutes, 20 to 30? And all the women and Emily, they were just so amazing that when we got to starting, I think we all went in really loaded with the prices and no, it was crickets and no one was signing up. And I just was like, I need to start showing up as the person that I want to be and as the energy practitioner I want to be. So what price do I want to charge? And I think we did a walk-wheels kind of thing. Didn’t we know how far we could push ourselves? And so I took the £60 off and I went in that to 250, and that’s when I got my first clients I knew and we were all like, Oh my God. And then she ended up signing up for a course of sessions with somebody else, and they signed up and it just snowballed from there. So yeah.

Emily A: I’m like, that kind of blew us all away. So basically you were charging £60 and you’re like, screw that.

Carla: Yeah,

Emily A: It’s 250. It’s actually 250. And that’s the thing is like I give you guys full flexibility to set your own prices. I offer a suggested sliding scale when you’re first starting your prices. And I encourage you/require you to increase your prices later on in the program. And also that’s it’s completely up to you. You can set them I don’t say it’s a sliding scale. You just do the increase. So it’s really interesting that you say that. Like I didn’t get any buys at 60 until I raised it to 250. Then people started to buy it.

Emily A: So I’m curious, why do you feel that happened?

Carla: Because of the energy that I gave up when I was like, that was like, that’s an amount like, we’ve been showing up with our A-game. We better be showing up like we mean these. Not that I was ever trying not to, but I was hiding away and then I was like, showing up as psychic energy worker Carla. And it took me so long to say that. And once I went in there, I was like, that’s who I am. That’s what I am now. And yeah, just it was a whole energy shift, just a massive shift.

Emily A: Yeah. And it was like this. You’re like, I sold one and then I sold a five pack and then I got another. It was like, Oh, okay. Okay, awesome. So, so good. I love that. Thank you for sharing that. Does anybody else have a fun little story you want to share about when you went from free to paid or paid to increase in your prices? I see him for once just smiling politely at me. You’re all in person. You should be talking to me right now.

Jamie: Well, like everybody else, I had difficulty, you know, crickets when it started charging. But I think it was more of a lesson of self-worth for me. You know, showing up and saying, like, I can do this. Like, I am an energy worker. I’m going through the training for it. So it was really just valuing me and I just started showing up and telling people more about it and meeting someone in the grocery store. Yeah, I do energy work and, you know. Really standing my ground now to tell people what I do. So it was more like a lesson of me, like I was holding myself back.

Emily A: Yeah, that sounds like what Carla was like, really owning who you are and what you do. Did you guys feel like that for you? Anyone else feel like that is like really stepping in to own what you do as a practitioner, as a coach, as a healer? Everyone is smiling and nodding at me. They can’t see your faces for some of them, so we’ll just imagine they’re there. That’s what they’re all doing. They’re all smiling politely and nodding at me.

Does anybody want to share a particular milestone or a breakthrough or A-H-A? Or like, what was your favorite part of being in the IEA training? I know for a lot of you who had the training, you wanted to come for the business stuff or maybe for the community, or maybe for the camaraderie or having someone to ask questions to. I’d love to hear from you guys, and I guess I’ll call on you, Emily? And Allison, great. Alright there are people who want to talk to me. All right? Go for our gals.

Allison: So I already had an established business for several years when I jumped into IEA and I came in really for the business. I was already a professional, intuitive. You know, I’m an advanced Akashic record practitioner. I was already doing the stuff, but I really wanted to take the business stuff to the next level. And one of the things that I loved about the IEA business part was like, it really goes into like the nitty gritty piece, right?

So like, I know how to make a meditation or an activation or an attunement, but what’s the best equipment to use for it? What, like little stuff like that that maybe doesn’t get covered in other business courses and even some of the really detailed stuff about social media and, you know, the algorithms which, granted, they’re always changing, but how the algorithms work and how you could inadvertently be blocking your stuff from being seen because you’re doing something that the algorithm doesn’t like, right? So I found all of that stuff to be immensely helpful as a small business owner, just to have that support and the nitty-gritty details about how to do things that you don’t always get in other courses.

Emily A: Yeah, and I will say that the social media part was the hardest thing to teach. Well, everything was the hardest thing to teach, but that part, in particular, was really challenging as to not go into training how to use the platform, knowing that in 5 minutes after I teach it, it’s going to change. But really teaching, you know, the overall and like what is the growth strategy for these platforms and who was on them and how to connect with your soulmate client, and connect where they are versus just where you are currently, which I think you’ve done a really great job of really being visible on all the different platforms that your soulmate client is, I think you do great.

Allison: Yeah. Thank you.

Emily A: You’re welcome. Emily, I saw you unmute yourself. Come on back!

Emily P: My favorite part of the training was the retreat. I felt like I left the retreat having just, like, a really good overview of what my business looks like from start to finish. I can see the bigger picture now, and I can see exactly like how different things will come together to create passive income and to really snowball off of there. So yeah, I really loved the retreat. I really love getting to meet the community. That was really fun. And I really liked, the strategy and the planning, right? So feel really good about things that was really awesome.

Emily A: So we had such a fun moment when my team member, Shauna, shared that she saw you and your husband, Matty, who’s also a business partner. We were doing an M&A call and this word came out of my mouth and I’m like, is this a word? And you and Matty, I knew you like that is a word and I will tell you about it, it’s from this thing. And I’m like, oh, damn. Which got like kind of the eyes on you. So Shauna, like, found your Instagram and then went to your website, and then she knew we were all at the retreat and talk about this. And she’s like, I know that you have a session for this and a session for that. And I go, so did you buy it? And she’s like, I did. And I’m like, oh this is amazing. We all got so excited because it’s not often that you have a potential customer in front of you who is willing to tell you why they didn’t buy.

Emily P: Yeah, that was really awesome.

Emily A: That was so much fun. We all geeked out about it and through that exercise, we got to understand what does that first touchpoint need to be when you are connecting with people and they’re they’re actually interested enough to go to your website, what can you give them? And at first it was like, maybe I can give them this meditation I’ve already made. And she was like, and then I forget exactly what you came up with together, but she was like, I need that. I want that. It was like, yeah, okay we will make this. And, and then understanding how to be clearer on your website communication and, you know, really directing people to the next step. I mean it was so powerful to see that and to see like where you can go after that. It’s like so much fun because a lot of times we’re just in the here and now. Like, I just need to get a couple of lines this week and we’re not thinking about the broad picture and the impact that we truly could create through the work, which I thought you just like really opened up so much out there.

Emily P: Yeah, it was awesome.

Emily A: Yeah, we did have fun.

Emily P: We definitely had fun. But yeah, I mean, I’ve been implementing all of the things that I’ve learned over. Well, I mean, we spent days in the car to finally make it to Arizona, and then now I’ve spent literally, like, probably about 16 hours yesterday on the website.

Emily A: Oh, my gosh…

Emily P: Going for a minute and I can really see the bigger picture. And so I’m feeling really good.

Emily A: Oh, good. I’m so happy. Yeah. We had some really great moments at the retreat where it was a blend of hands-on healing. We all got to do a little hands-on work because, you know, being on Zoom, you don’t get to put your hands on people. We got to do advanced aura work, advanced pendulum work, and the strategy. We did a lot of intention set at the very beginning, and it was fun. Every single day we’re like checking off every single one of the intentions that we had individually as well as as a collective. And then we had days where we really focused on strategy and breaking through our fears. And we I’m not going to say what we did because I don’t want to ruin everything in the future.

But all I will say is that the women who did this exercise also enjoyed a very long, cold plunge at the end of the day. So that day was one of the most transformative days for everybody on so many levels because they were breaking through their blocks. They were focused on like on their strategy. They were open up to new levels in their business, and they were challenging themselves with this like cold immersion thing all of a sudden. And it was just really phenomenal to see everybody shift in such a tremendous way and really connect.

I mean, you know, one of the things that IEA does, which I’m sure you guys can speak to, is building this network. You know, when you’re not confident in yourself or your practice and like, where is it going? What am I doing? And like having people who see you and who believe in you and who are willing to say, yeah, we can practice on each other, or you know what I love that thing that you just said is sometimes makes all the difference. So I would love to hear from you guys how you felt about the community within IEA. Did you feel supported? Did it feel empowering? Did it feel like just another course and nobody’s paying attention to you? I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to unmute and you just go for it.

Jamie: I love the community. I think that was one of the best parts, you know, because in the beginning I knew, like, I wasn’t confident in myself. And even during the sessions, you know, the people were like the people in the training were like, you can do this like, good job. And they were like, work me up to believe in myself as well. And we have friendships now that, you know, even after the training we’re connecting, we’re doing collaborations together, you know. It’s one of those relationships that last forever.

Emily A: For sure.

Carla: Yeah, I agree. Like, we’ve made some really good friends. It was nice to share things and have someone say, but these things that were coming up that you might not necessarily want to talk about in the session. And then they would encourage you to share it once that helped you get through it. And like Jamie said, as we’ve done sessions together, me, you, Shannon, and it’s just been so much fun to like to do that as well. And especially when we were first getting out there and you felt a little bit more scared to have our little women, women with us doing it together. It was so nice.

Emily A: That’s so good.

Shannon: Yeah, I really loved the support that our whole group had because we were able to bounce ideas off of one another. We had sessions together. You know, we would send messages and be like, you know, what do you think about this? Or, you know, if there was something that came up or a question, you know, we were, you know, and still are, you know, very much there to support everybody. So, yeah, I really loved the love and support that we, you know, have and still have all that.

Jamie: And then you get to meet in person at the retreat.

Emily A: It’s not too late for some people. So I feel like it’s been really nice to get this full picture. And part of the IEA training that I didn’t know was coming at the beginning when it first came through was the coaching training. And that came through sort of near like the midway point, I would say, for the first round. And it made sense because the first round it spent mostly myself and my team, you know, getting all the calls and all the links and making sure that the things are getting done.

And Amanda is like THE WOMAN, who is just like the master of all things in the business And I don’t say that lightly. I do truly mean that. If it weren’t for Amanda and I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. If it weren’t for Amanda, this program wouldn’t be what it is today, both with the systems, with keeping people accountable, with moving everybody forward through the program, making sure everything is done, and to just hold the space. I mean, she’s a beautiful energy to hold the container, not just like she’s not like a stickler, like poking people. And, you know, I mean, she’s wonderful and she brings this great energy to the space. And when we realize that there is like another level that’s ready to be out there is the coach training, which means that we take the graduates from the first level and in we teach them more behind the scenes of how I literally run my business. How the systems literally work, how to help students, how to support them, how to be a coach, and all of the different pieces that really go together to keep students on track and moving forward through the program.

So I would love to hear from some of the coach trainees, Shannon and Jamie. You know, you guys ha have been through the coach training and are about to start coaching. How did you feel the coach training is different than the initial IEA training?

Jamie: It’s definitely more business, right? So the practitioner training was half energy, half business. But this is like really like you said, behind-the-scenes work are like the platforms and the things that the practitioners don’t see, like the scheduling and making sure everybody’s on track and you know, a lot of that work. So that’s like very interesting too, because, you know, when I was in the practitioner training, I would just email men and say like, I’m having this problem, can you? And then like now to see on her end, like all the work that she had to figure out, I was like, whoa, like. Amanda, I’m so sorry to put you through this. But yeah, so it’s very interesting. And then also, like, it’s taught me a lot about, I need personally more structure. And so it’s given me a little bit of like an outline of how to structure my days, my schedules, you know, what am I going to do on this day, how I’m going to make sure that my clients are keeping track. So it’s actually helped me a little bit more versus the one session and like, that’s it. Like following up and more of a journey than, you know, a visit.

Emily A: Hmm. Awesome. How about for you, Shannon?

Shannon: Yeah, I’d have to totally agree with pretty much all of what Jamie said as well as, you know, being able to see how you can support new students that are coming in into the certification and know, you know, the different ways that you can help them along and, you know, realizing just what a wonderful human being Amanda really is. Yeah. So and then you being able to see definitely the business, the back end of it to kind of see all the ins and outs of how everything works.

Emily A: Yeah. And I think that’s part, there’s two, there are two intentions behind that number one, so you can become a coach and move people through my program. The second one is so that you can be a coach and move your own students through your own programs. Because what we created is not been created before in the way that we created it. There’s not a template. There is not a plug and play system. There are certainly not a software that you just get everything all within a bundle and you just plug in what you need and you just goes, it’s all been manually done.

And what’s so special is like when we built IEA, it was with the intention of this has got to be done from scale. And a lot of the things that we do as business owners that we we think of like the here and now of like the first five people and the first ten people. But like, what if it was 500 and 1,000? Can this system still work and still be manageable with that volume?

And so when you keep that in mind, it makes you think bigger and makes you make different choices. And so part of the training is also to bring you into that thought process and to think bigger for yourself in your own business. How can you apply what we did and how we marketed and how we do the back end in your own business as well? And that’s it’s just a deeper level of expansion, which I love. And taking people through that customer value journey is the final piece of your program that you’re going to get.

So I want to wrap I wanted I want to wrap this up because I know we’ve had a lot to share there. And I know we briefly talked about the retreat. We briefly talked about the coaching training. Is there anything else like if somebody were on the fence around joining IEA? I would love to hear what if they were asking you for your advice? You know, I don’t know if I should do it. Is it worth the investments? What do I do? I’d love to hear your feedback.

Carla: Do it. Thinking about doing it, you know, it’s just it’s life-changing. If this is what you want to do. Just do it.

Jamie: Yeah, I agree with you. I agree. It’s worth the investment. Stop spending the money on, you know, the Instagram ads and really invest in this, because you won’t be mistaken. It was so much fun.

Shannon: You learned so much about yourself in the process. It’s absolutely mind-blowing.

Millie: For me. I know. I went into it going, okay, I really want to because I love Emily and like I want to do anything that Emily does. But I was like, I already have a practice. I already am certified. Like, do I really need one more certification? And then I’m like, and do I really have the money? Like, I don’t have the money to spend for this. And for me, it was like, but no, like, I would do this hands down, it that wasn’t an issue. So I took the leap and I’m so grateful I did, because I think if anything, it has not only helped me as a practitioner, like with my own energy, because I kept saying to Emily, I’m like, I don’t know why I’m not able to get like fully booked. I don’t know why I’m not getting more clients. And that really struck with me. And she’s like, well, you need to like, make sure that you are taking care of your energy and the boundaries and things that she helps you set are priceless because, you know, it’s kind of again, you can’t for from empty cup.

And so really making sure that you as a practitioner are holding yourself up and just the knowledge and the skills and the connections alone, also like you know the return on investment, the connections I’m making are leading me to other things too, that are bringing in more revenue. So yeah, I think it was the best decision I made, even though I have already stuff. You know, it just adds an additional step and just makes me even better.

Allison: I agree with what all of the ladies have said, and I especially like what Millie just said, you know, like I already have the stuff, but it is another tool in the toolbox that can be used as a stand-alone thing, or it can be used in conjunction with other tools that you have. And I think especially if you’re someone that already has a business. What is a typical solopreneur who’s in the state of normal solopreneur overwhelmed that can happen, when you’re trying to juggle everything under the sun. I think it’s helpful having that added business expertise that just makes things easier when someone just tells you what to do. Like this is how you do it, right? It’s like the smallest thing, but it makes such a difference. So I would say just let it be choiceless. You know, and if your inclination is to do it. But, right. Just do it anyway. Do it anyway.

Emily A: Emily or Suzy, do you want to share?

Suzy: Yeah, I would say do it. You learn a lot, not only about business, but you learn a lot about yourself. You learn a lot about what you can give and what how you can help others. Like your whole perception of how life should be changed, especially for me, how to change your thoughts, how to trust your intuition and how to manifest. And it’s about, you know, leading with your heart and giving all that you got. And yeah, totally. It was worth every penny. If you’re going to be on the fence, just do it.

Emily A: Okay. Well, thank you all for being here. I truly admire all of you individually as amazing practitioners and women. I love that you got to do this podcast with me. I love that we got to get together and I’m really excited for what’s to come. And for folks who’ve been interested in the training. You can get more information at and I am doing a brand new training just for folks who are on the waitlist.

So if you are considering joining but you’re like, not so, not so sure. I am doing an exclusive workshop called Breaking Up with Broke. It’s ushering a new era of impact-driven coaches, healers and leaders. You can sign up for the waitlist for IEA and we will send you the invitation to that workshop through that. So, to get on that waitlist for the workshop and to join the program when it does open and will open the doors on June 15th. So we’ll see you all then.

Thank you all so much for being here. I love you all will see you either at the end of your programs or we’ll see you after. Either way. Thanks again for being here, everyone.

IEA Students: Thank you.

About the guests today

Ready to RISE UP and align with your highest potential? Learn life-changing techniques to realign your energy and transform your life from my guests today, the IEA Students!

You can find them here⬇️

Allison Dellatore

Allison Dellatore is an Intuitive Coach, Animal Communicator, Advanced Akashic Record Practitioner, Integrated Energy Alignment Practitioner & Channel. She loves connecting people into their Soul, so that they can have a deeper understanding of what makes them tick & who they really are, before society told them who to be. She loves helping people feel empowered & in alignment with their dreams & desires.

Jamie LiCausi

Jamie LiCausi, @miss_jamie_leigh is a spontaneous trailblazer who loves to channel her energy to help others feel seen, heard, supported, and empowered. Jamie has earned her Integrated Energy Alignment Certification with Emily Aarons and is in the process of becoming an Integrated Energy Alignment Coach. Additionally, Jamie is currently working on building her company, Empowered Alignment, and creating a sacred space and community for people to heal from trauma.

Shannon Major

Shannon Major is a Certified Integrated Energy Alignment Practitioner, an intuitive, and an herbal business owner. She helps individuals step into their purpose and authenticity with calm and clarity.

Emily Pearl

Emily Pearl is the co-owner of PearlWorth Vibe. She has over 20 years of experience in energy modalities and is an expert in Akashic Record soul research. I am dedicated to aligning intuitive with their soul’s energy so they can live in abundance with their higher purpose and achieve maximum success in their lives.

Millie Barra

Millie is an Intuitive Mom Coach, Energy Worker. She is certified in a variety of healing modalities which include The Emotion Code®/Body Code®, EFT Tapping, and Integrative Energy Alignment (IEA). Through her work, she helps women do the inner work to heal the past, navigate triggers, tame the inner chatter, and get into full alignment so they can 10x their joy in all areas of their life. She is the creator of the Aligned Mama Membership, a soul-centered community for moms to come together to do the inner work so they can stop feeling like they are surviving the days & begin feeling like they can thrive.

Carla Miller

Carla is a psychic energy coach and she helps female entrepreneurs connect into themselves and release energy blocks so they can fulfill their life purpose at their highest level and be the badass they are meant to be!

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