Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast November 29

Episode 328
Happy November 29!
Guidance is calling you IN to make a big move. Let go of fear, say YES, do that thing, and they’ll create the path.
November 29 Energy Forecast:
15. Aligned Action: Don’t delay, act
Has fear been tripping you up lately? Worried about your next steps? It’s time to get out of your head and into your heart. You, my dear, are energy and so is everything around you. If you choose to disconnect from that flow all around you and within you, you’re cutting yourself off from the flow.
God/the Universe is sending you messages and signs every single day, and if you keep trying to make sense of them, you’re missing the whole point. The messages are coming to YOU, not someone else, and if you continue to ignore them or overthink them to death, the universe will simply stop sending them.
Get that intuitive hit or nudge and TAKE ACTION! Do something with it, for goodness sake! Your angels are trying to be direct with you. You’re not a victim, you’re a powerhouse, so start taking action like one!
41. Marketing: Get More Visible!
Energy is amazing to attract your soulmate clients but there’s something to be said for proper marketing.
You must put yourself out there in a way people can clearly understand how you can help them AND ask for a sale! The money you make is a direct reflection of how many people you’re helping.
If you struggle with figuring out the right words, get help! There are too many people who need you. Put yourself out there and make an offer today.
42. Social Media: Your guides will create the strategy
You can’t avoid the topic of social media and your guides are here to help you create the perfect social media marketing strategy ever. You don’t have to be on all of the platforms but please pick at least one that you will be 100% committed to.
If you find consistency difficult, schedule one day per week to create captions. Start a folder of other accounts you love and borrow their themes. DROP the story that you just don’t get it, you’re not techy, or you’ve never been good at it.
Embrace the fact that your angels and guides are here to lovingly assist you in this process.
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