Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast September 27
Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast September 27

Episode 302
Spirit is reminding you that you are ENOUGH and you can manifest anything you desire!!
September 27 Energy Forecast:
21. Manifestation: You are a manifesting machine
You’re literally a manifesting machine. Your thoughts are electric, and your body is magnetic. When your thoughts and feelings align, you can manifest instantly. Forget “realistic” or “timing”; you’re the one with the power.
Today is the day to proclaim what you desire and by when. Release any stories around your wants and repeat this mantra: “The more I say yes to my desires, the more the Universe says yes to me.”
Start small with a quarter, then a parking spot, then go wild; you deserve it!
9. Plan It Out: It’s time to get more serious
If you’ve been winging it, it’s time to get a little bit more serious. You’re ready for a whole new level to come in, and you’re blocking it by not planning for your success. Take a few minutes and consider, “What’s the BEST possible outcome for this?”
Maybe you just want to grow your list or following, but perhaps you’re about to open up for WAY more income, soulmate clients, or support. What are you afraid of? Close your eyes and let your guides illuminate your path.
Look a little deeper…is there a place deep within you that’s afraid of success? Is there something that’s secretly sabotaging your audacious dreams? Hand this over to your angels and allow yourself to be successful.
26. Approved: You are enough
If you’re seeking someone to validate your work or effort, here it is! We see you and we LOVE you!
Your angels want to send you this message: YOU ARE ENOUGH. Nothing added would make you any greater, nothing taken away would make you any less. You are PURE, FREE, FOREVER. (Chant Sanskrit: “Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum”)
It’s easy to get worried about what others think but that’s none of your business. Please see this as a sign that whatever has been keeping you up at night is going to go perfectly…if you let it.
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