Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast October 25
Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast October 25

Happy October 25 (and the week of Halloween!!)
This week your angels are asking you to clear out your space (physical/energetic) and start batching your content…believe in yourself!
October 25 Energy Forecast:
13. Simplify: “How can this be easy and fun?”
Ease is not a 4-letter swear word! You might be in a little pickle, friend. Please close your eyes and simply ask, “how can this be easy, how can this be fun?” What comes up for you?
Frequently, we think we HAVE TO launch a certain way, but just because that’s the norm, doesn’t mean that’s the only way. You deserve for things to be easier, but you must choose ease daily. Struggle is a choice as much as ease is a choice.
Nothing is happening TO you, it’s all happening THROUGH you. If you think life/work/family is hard, it’s time to shift your story. Enjoy this moment, invite more well being into your day, and so be it!
36. Trust Your Gut: Your body knows the truth
You’ve been doing the head stuff for way too long! Overthinking, over-analyzing, and second-guessing. STOP IT! Get out of your head and into your gut. It knows the truth, but first you need to trust yourself.
There’s no way to begin trusting others if you don’t trust in yourself. Your gut is like your body’s second brain. It’s also like a lie detector. It wants you to know something. Quit trying to make sense of a situation, and just go with the knowing of your brilliant gut instinct. You don’t need to justify yourself for having this intel, just roll with it. The more you take action and trust your inner knowing, the more your inner knowing strengthens.
Your angels also want to validate that YES, you are strengthening your intuition by doing this practice. There’s really no risk either! How’s the alternative working out for ya?
31. On Fire!: Everything is working exactly as planned
You’re doing exactly what you should be doing and everything is working exactly as planned. If you have any tiny bits of doubt, please release them to your angels now.
You’re fully in alignment and things are moving easily and effortlessly, don’t question it, just enjoy! All of your hard work is paying off!
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