How To Shift Into Abundant Mindset When Money Isn’t Coming In

How To Shift Into Abundant Mindset When Money Isn’t Coming In

How To Shift Into Abundant Mindset When Money Isn’t Coming In

So many marketing gurus talk about the offer, the putting yourself out there part, but not that many talk about “the lull” before the money comes in.

That period between when you’ve aligned to your offer and when you’re waiting for money to get in your bank account!

That’s where the self-doubt and self-sabotage show up full force.

There will be times when your bank account doesn’t reflect all the hard work you’re doing and I want you to know how to navigate it.

The good news is that I have some proven strategies that I teach in my mastermind and that I’m going to share with you today to help you shift to an abundant mindset no matter what stage of business you’re in.

Because if you can master this – it’s what will give you those quantum leaps you’ve been waiting for!

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • [1.07] Sometimes you have to move the tree to the “right soil” and even then the deers will steal your peaches!
  • [5.44] Our businesses need all the things PLUS the right environment.
  • [7.15] We start our biz with the best intentions but then get it into our mind that only money proves it’s a viable business.
  • [11.24] If you’re showing up at your highest level each day, there’s going to be a return.
  • [14.57] Don’t cut it off because it’s not growing at the rate you want it to grow or the rate you expect it to!
  • [18.45] This is the power of using your intuition and plugging into that power of love.
  • [23.08] You are here for a reason, the work you do matters and people need it.
  • [26.42] My abundant nightly routine – try this!

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:

Try focusing on as many gratitudes a day as you can. Did a client compliment you? Did someone on your social media tell you that’s what they needed to hear today? Be open to seeing the blessings and see how it shifts your mindset to allow for more abundance!

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

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Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast May 18



Episode 158


Happy Monday, May 18th Lightworker,


This week the Angels In Your Biz Cards are reminding you to lean into your network and not work so hard.

You can search for “Aligned & Unstoppable Podcast” and download the episodes on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, IGTV. Watch us on Facebook anytime.






22. Network: Connect with others

Have you been cooped up too long? It’s time to get out from behind the computer and meet some other humans! Specifically, your guides want to help you to connect with other like-minded people who believe in what you’re doing. Join a mentorship or a mastermind with other individuals you admire. If you don’t have a mentor this is a great time to get one. Follow your heart but don’t be afraid to invest in this network. Remember, you’re the sum of the people you spend the most time with. You deserve incredible friendships and relationships. Is it time to release some old relationships that don’t serve you anymore? Upgrade your lightworker tribe and go have fun!



32. Order: It’s all coming together.

Trust in divine timing and divine outcome. If you’re worried about how things are going to work out, or what are the next steps, let all that go now. You need to let go of trying to control everything so much and allow your guidance to come to help you. What if by letting go, an even better outcome could happen? Your way may not be the only way. You’re getting intuitive hits; quit questioning them so much and simply take action in alignment.



12. Self-Care: It’s time to take a break

You think you’re gonna hit that goal by overworking and hustling? NO. It’s time to take a break. Your angels don’t care if you brew a cup of tea, draw an Epsom salt bath, get a massage, or take a 10-day vacation…but you MUST STOP. The mantra for you right now is: “The more self-love I give, the more money I’ll make.” This is a non-negotiable! Do you get this card a lot? Think of it as a loving dope-slap from spirit. Take the hint before you get sick.





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