by emilyaarons | Dec 16, 2019 | Podcast
This week is about taking responsibility to move forward – with lots of support along your way!
11. Responsibility: “I am NOT a victim”
The universe isn’t testing you, it’s reflecting you. It’s time to take full responsibility for everything happening within you and all around you. If you aren’t happy with the way things look, change them. Remember, whenever you point your finger, there are three pointing back at you. Time to look at your own stuff a little deeper and notice the stories you’ve been telling yourself about this situation. Start by saying: “I choose this, I am NOT a victim.” The more we assume responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, energy, and circumstances, the more those things begin to improve.
39. Guardian Angels: Infinite support is here
You’ve been working so hard! When you pull this card, 100 guardian angels appear around. Allow them to alleviate your anxiety, worry, doubt, and stress. Take a deep breath and know that you’re taken care of today and everyday. Even though they’re invisible, your guardian angels are always here to surround you and infuse you with unconditional love.
21. Manifestation: You are a manifesting machine
You’re literally a manifesting machine. Your thoughts are electric, and your body is magnetic. When your thoughts and feelings align, you can manifest instantly. Forget “realistic” or “timing”; you’re the one with the power. Today is the day to proclaim what you desire and by when. Release any stories around your wants and repeat this mantra: “The more I say yes to my desires, the more the Universe says yes to me.” Start small with a quarter, then a parking spot, then go wild; you deserve it!
Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
by emilyaarons | Oct 7, 2019 | Podcast
This week is about taking personal responsibility and getting clear on your value and abundance!
11. Responsibility: “I am NOT a victim”
The universe isn’t testing you, it’s reflecting you. It’s time to take full responsibility for everything happening within you and all around you. If you aren’t happy with the way things look, change them. Remember, whenever you point your finger, there are three pointing back at you. Time to look at your own stuff a little deeper and notice the stories you’ve been telling yourself about this situation. Start by saying: “I choose this, I am NOT a victim.” The more we assume responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, energy, and circumstances, the more those things begin to improve.
28. Core Values: Hone in on your purpose and value
Hone in on what it means to be you. The faster you can connect to your own purpose and values, the sooner you can implement them in your business as well. Once you have both of those, then you can attract a team that totally upholds those values as well. Quit getting annoyed at others who don’t “get it” when you haven’t made yourself clear. Make your expectations known. Be as direct as possible, no giving hints. People can’t read your mind. This is about taking full responsibility for yourself and your business. Are you dealing with a troubling situation? If you were the best in your field at what you do, how would you handle this situation right now? Start acting more like that person every day and your life will dramatically change for the best.
25. Wealth: You’re surrounded by abundance
You picked this card because you’re surrounded by abundance! If you can’t see it yet, close your eyes and feel it. Abundance and wealth are not outside you, they’re within and all around you. Money is energy and so are you. You deserve to receive higher levels of prosperity. Make a clear goal of exactly how much money you wish to align with and by when. Place your order to the universe. Now, let it in. Mantra: “I’m ready to let higher levels of wealth in now!”
Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
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