From Building A Top Ad Agency To Burnout And Creating A Life Your Love With Andrew Hubbard

From Building A Top Ad Agency To Burnout And Creating A Life Your Love With Andrew Hubbard

From Building A Top Ad Agency To Burnout And Creating A Life Your Love With Andrew Hubbard

Sometimes we can look successful on the outside. It can seem like we’re doing great, our businesses are thriving, but… on the inside, the stress is quickly leading to burnout!

This is what happened with my guest Andrew Hubbard. He started his own ad agency, built it to seven figures, but found he couldn’t “turn off” work. By the time he had kids, he knew he wasn’t present like he wanted to be because he was always thinking about work.

Something had to change!

In today’s podcast, Andrew and I discuss how to create a life where you’re more present while still running a business and we also discuss the changes in Facebook ads with the IOS changes and the future of marketing.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • [1.09] How Andrew got into his line of work, became successful, but it led to burnout.
  • [5.33] How a YouTube channel with barely any views took off!
  • [10.22] A more in-depth look at burnout when it looks like you’re successful on the outside.
  • [15.01] Andrew’s revelation that he wanted to be more present (looking at worst-case scenario).
  • [27.45] IOS changes and the impact on Facebook Ads.
  • [31.03] How we can innovate and do things differently as marketers.
  • [31.03] How we can innovate and do things differently as marketers.
  • [47.35] Being reminded of who I am on a soul level.
  • [49.16] What’s different for Andrew now that he doesn’t regret.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:


Try Andrew’s 7-Step Guide and see how it works for you. He’s designed this to create more ease in your biz and I think you’re going to love it! His style is easy to follow and apply.

About Andrew

Andrew Hubbard is an entrepreneur and Facebook advertising expert. As a former agency owner, he now specializes in helping online businesses grow by teaching them how to leverage the power of smart Facebook advertising and digital marketing strategies.

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Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast December 14

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast December 14

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast December 14

I’m really not surprised by this week’s forecast because it’s reminding you to narrow down on your efforts for the upcoming year so you’re less scattered. The full forecast gives you step by step instructions so make sure you check it out!

December 14 Energy Forecast:

33. Pivot: Tune into what FEELS good

Something feels off. You don’t need to throw away all of your work but I’d seriously consider shifting so you don’t feel like you’re “pushing” so hard. Your business doesn’t have to be a labor of love; it can be easy. Maybe it’s time to look at the story “I have to work hard to make money.” Did you catch yourself? This could be a lovely place to journal what FEELS good and what feels heavy in your work. Give yourself permission to let go of what doesn’t feel light and easy.

3. Crystal Clear Success: You can BE it

If you can see it, you can BE it. There is nothing you can not have. Release control of how things should be and allow the universe to orchestrate the most incredible life full of miracles. Make sure you give thanks and celebrate all the tiny micro-wins, as the universe is showing you that it’s all happening with little energetic breadcrumbs. Don’t take them for granted – it’s all happening! Take a look around and find evidence of it working!

7. Healing: Schedule healing work!

This is a hard stop, drop, and get some healing work done. I don’t care if it’s a visit to the sauna, a spa day, or an hour-long massage or energy healing session. Your system is overloaded and under loved. There’s something going on under the surface and your angels want you to be aware of it…and you can’t do that alone or by working harder. You must stop to listen to the call. If you continue to ignore it, the call will get louder, and you may not enjoy being laid up from work for a long stretch of time. Better take care of yourself now. Pay now or pay later! A small investment of a day off will pay off in droves…just you wait and see! There’s someone in heaven watching over you and they can hear your silent prayers. Think of this card as a gift to have someone take care of you.

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