Ep 60: Overcoming Body Shame and Ditching Diets with Amy Clover



Today I am speaking to Amy Clover about overcoming body shame. Amy has worked with clients from both ends of the health spectrum: from overly obsessed with earning a certain body type to those who are unsure where to begin.

We dive deep into what does it really mean to be healthy and how you can build habits to support that.

In this episode, you will discover the importance of listening to your body and inner wisdom, setting boundaries and how giving yourself permission to write the rules is the key to overcoming body shame and letting go of guilt so you can begin to trust yourself.

We are the ones who decide; when your body is lit up you are like a magnet and become unstoppable.

As you’ll hear, Amy’s story is an incredible one, and her perspective about overcoming body shame is absolutely life-changing.


Highlights you won’t want to miss:

• What got Amy to create her business Strong Inside Out.
• How to use body neutrality to overcome body shame and feel worthy.
• How to navigate the postpartum journey and the importance of listening to your inner voice.
• How to get back to balance using healthy boundaries
• What it really means to be healthy and why cutting out foods can be unhealthy.


3 Key points:

  1. Discover the importance of listening to your body and inner wisdom so you can begin to trust yourself.
  2. Setting boundaries is the key to overcoming body shame and letting go of guilt.
  3. When you love your body, you become unstoppable.


Shareable Quotes

  • “Health begins from the inside out.” – Amy Clover
  • “You can be beautiful, you can be ugly, you can be anything in between and it doesn’t determine your worth.” – Amy Clover
  • “I am not my body, I am not my feelings; I am beyond that.” – Emily Aarons


Resources Mentioned:



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