If you've already watched the Free Info Session, please email us at hello@emilyaarons.com to Book Your Clarity Call and qualify for your bonuses!
☑️ Wanted to take your spiritual practice deeper to better understand intuition and healing?
☑️ Felt like you weren't reaching your full financial potential as a practitioner?
☑️ Dreamt of helping others on their healing journey?
You could spend the next six months being overwhelmed by what to do next, OR you could learn the IEA framework for success and finally...
Become confident in yourself as a practitioner.
Understand how to build a successful and sustainable business.
Share your gifts and live your most joyful abundant life.
There are far too many outstanding practitioners who are...
I spent the better part of 15 years struggling as a practitioner, earning more certifications, and NEVER getting anywhere...
UNTIL, I prayed for a miracle that led me to bring my healing work online and to the masses.
Combining my vast healing experience and business skills utterly changed everything for me.
I've been able to successfully innovate my healing practice to build a global community and raise consciousness online.
🙏 Feel SAFE doing what we love.
🥰 STOP HIDING our gifts, our voice, and our wisdom.
🙌 Raise the bar of INTEGRITY within the coaching and healing industry.
NOW, with the Integrated Energy Alignment Practitioner Training, we're building a brighter future for practitioners globally for profitability, sustainability, and impact.
The work in IEA not only sets you up to be an IEA Certified practitioner but it’s also supported me in my current career as an educational leader. At the beginning of the program, I was definitely looking at the certification as either a side hustle or a hobby. Now that I am moving through the program, I have clarity on what the viable possibilities are for my career path.
I had to work through the fear of being seen for who I really was and not what people expected me to be. I also had to work through worthiness and accepting the fact that I am worthy of receiving an income for a gift that I have and I’m worthy of charging a price that I believe is my value.
The first month I made $350. This month I am projected to make $1020. December, I would project $1040.
-Colleen Schroeder
IEA stands alone in it's level of integrity, support, and experiential learning.
Access deeper intuition, hone your healing gifts, and articulate the transformation in your offer.
Blend energy + business and organize a plan to attract more clients and money that feels aligned to your spiritual path.
Develop resiliency and confidence as you navigate the high's and lows of growing your business.
20 modules, Monthly Q&A Calls, Monthly Student Practice Clinics, and Weekly LIVE Support from IEA Coaches.
Get clients right away through our own directory full of hundreds of people eager for your support!
Whether you have a business yet or not, you will be given all the tools to build a profitable business from day 1!
Experiential learning + REAL clients + problem solving = creating a profitable business
Check-ins with Team Emily to keep you on track.
Dedicated group for peer and coach support.
Accountability for your progress, practice sessions, and more.
Small cohort hosted by IEA graduate + trained coach.
Your IEA Coach is also a graduate! They will give you more individualized attention and support than ever before!
Through working with Emily, Jamie discovered and aligned with her calling. In addition to practicing energy alignment and building her own business, Jamie also works full time as a forensic scientist for Westchester County, New York.
Through her work, Jamie empowers people-pleasers, overachievers, and perfectionists to reclaim their personal power to live with ease, pleasure, and abundance.
Melissa leverages her experience as a leader in the business sector, and as a national board certified counselor and combines it with intuition and energy work to support others to find balance, alignment and presence in the corporate environment. She lives in St. Johns, Florida with her husband, three sons, dog and cat. She loves spending time with family, being outdoors, music, reading and running.
Shannon works in the medical field as well as owning a herbal and energy healing business. She helps business owners regain a purposeful clarity on their goals and life decisions. Combining her skills is truly rewarding for her. She grew up in Richmond Hill, Georgia but currently lives in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
Shaunah has been with the team for over two years as a Community Manager and now as the IEA Project Manager. She's been instrumental in supporting the students and coaches to ensure a smooth completion of the IEA program. She's not only expanding her spiritual practice, Shaunah is also a Black Belt in Kickboxing. She lives in Salisbury, Massachusetts.
Each coach will be working with a maximum of 8 students and will support you with:
I enrolled in IEA because I have been doing energy work intuitively for quite some time and I wanted a clearer understanding of why and how the work I do is so effective. I believed my business could be profitable with the right mentorship and tools, so that's why I was drawn to IEA.
I taught ballet and Pilates and I'm still very active, I am Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition, and I am a Certified Hypnotherapist. Learning IEA energy healing has been fantastic because I can use ALL of my skills to help my clients achieve total health - mind, body, and spirit.
Offering free sessions at first allowed me to increase my client base - I connected with so many new, beautiful souls! Many of them booked additional sessions with me even when I started charging because they saw the value in the results they received. My email list has grown by nearly 50 people and I've brought in $1,147 and will bring in at least $800 more by the end of the program.
-Cristina Moidel
*IEA is very much like a college level course. You must complete the full program within the 6-month container to earn your certificate.
We have an outstanding team of experts dedicated to holding you accountable to COMPLETING this training and creating the life and business of your dreams.
If you're not ready to commit to completing this program, please wait to enroll or consider joining IEA Initiation.
You're a practitioner, (or an aspiring one) who wants to get better results for your clients.
You're ready to commit to yourself and your business on a higher level.
You're craving accountability and peers who take their soul work seriously.
You're READY to transform your life spiritually and financially.
You're READY to get rid of the "plan b" and go all-in and invest in yourself.
You're happy doing healing for friends/family, and you don't want to make more impact or income.
You don't like course work that stretches you energetically and intellectually.
You're really set in your ways, and don't like to ask questions or improve personally, or professionally.
People holding you accountable and helping you complete a program triggers you.
You don't like puppies and unicorns.
In Month 1, you will learn how to build the foundation you need to be a successful practitioner
MODULE 4: Integration Week
Practice session requirements: 10, 10 minute sessions
In month 2, we go deep into the individual chakras and what they look like when they are in balance, overactive or underactive and what to do about it when this comes up for your clients. This will really increase your confidence when a variety of different emotions, memories and thoughts come up for your clients.
Practice session requirements: 8, 20 minute sessions
In month 3, we really start to deepen your practice, and you start to do 30-minute sessions and charge for them! This is when you will likely feel yourself gaining confidence and you learn more about the human energy centers and so much more!
Practice session requirements: 8, 30 minute sessions
While you are still learning a lot about the energy work you will continue to practice, month 4 shifts the focus on to business growth. This will help you not only as an IEA Practitioner but in any other modalities you practice.
Practice session requirements: 8, 40 minute sessions
In month 5, we are really honing in on your specific niche, reaching your soulmate client and bringing more of your uniqueness to the forefront of your healing style and business.
Practice session requirements: 8, 60 minute sessions
Month 6 is the culmination of all your work. You'll be doubling your rates, doing 60 minute practice sessions and building a sustainable healing business.
What drew me to IEA was the word energy. Each time I saw a post or email about the program, the word energy would jump out at me. I felt called to do this program to understand and learn more about energy work and how this work could enhance the work I do with my meditation clients. What I came to realize was I was already practicing some of this work, I just didn't understand that I was clairvoyant.
This amazing program allowed me to give a voice and words to more of my true gifts and for that I am grateful. Since the start I have called this program the Energetic MBA. That is exactly what it is. Business + energy = Energetic MBA.
Since starting the program I have been fully booked with 1-1 clients through the end of 2023 which also includes increasing my revenue.
I highly recommend this program.
-Liz McHutcheon
When you join IEA, you are receiving well over $20,000 in value! NEW 18-Month extended payment option available on application.
1. Option 1: 18-Month Payment Plan of $433/month
2. Option 2: Pay-in-Full: $6,497, SAVE $1,297!
Become a healer, build a profitable business, learn an exceptional code of ethics, and live from your highest purpose.
I began my healing career as massage and Polarity therapist, and later as a yoga instructor.
Although I had advanced certifications, I always struggled to make income and impact. Since 2016, I’ve done a lot of personal growth and brought my healing work online and shifted OUT of the “broke healer” identity to earn over 7-figures in my online business and impact the lives of 10's of thousands of entrepreneurs globally.
It’s my passion to help more aspiring healers, coaches, and transformational practitioners to use their spiritual gifts to grow their business.
Most certifications...
Click to see more testimonials for IEA.
More IEA Love Here! ♥️After practicing Acupuncture for nearly two decades, I was looking to transition from a conventional brick-and-mortar practice to a more flexible distance practice that would enable me to explore the world and plan for my eventual retirement.
Despite having worked with various business coaches and certifications previously, Emily's program resonated with me like no other.
I took the leap and enrolled, and the rest, as they say, is history. This program not only equipped me with a powerful healing modality that blends seamlessly with Acupuncture, but it also provided me with valuable insights into how to strategize and market this as an online business. And, as an added bonus, this is the only program I have encountered that requires you to charge for practice sessions, which brought in a nice amount of income just in the first month!
On a personal level, the IEA program has brought about a profound transformation in my life. For the first time in many years, I feel spiritually, emotionally, and physically aligned, thanks to the holistic approach and teachings offered by Emily and her program. It has been a remarkable journey, both professionally and personally, and I'm grateful for the positive changes it has brought into my life and business. The support from Emily, our coaches, and our group is unparalleled. Even if you only have the slightest amount of interest in the program, I highly recommend you join! It is worth it!!!
-Adina Robinson
The profit guarantee refers to the fact that within the certification our students are regularly promoted to interested customers. They are also required to begin charging for their sessions as well as increase their rates at a certain point.
The Integrated Energy Alignment certification teaches how to do this and supports our students. Whereas most modalities, including Reiki, only teach the healing work, they don't get you clients, nor do they teach you the complexities of growing a business that's NOT 100% reliant on trading your time for money.
✅ Complete The Info Session Form
✅ Watch The Info Session
✅ Book Your 10-Minute Interview
✅ Complete Your Payment (or start payment plan)
✅ Onboarding - Begin access to Facebook Group and dedicated coach
✅ Welcome Call - Introduction and welcome call for all students.
✅ First Module Drops - June 2024
There's always the option to join our Initiation Program to get the first Month of IEA. You can apply/upgrade to the full program at a later time. The process for upgrading is to email amanda@emilyaarons.com for an application form and if accepted your investment for Initiation will be credited towards the full certification.
June 2024. Apply now as spaces are limited!
During your 6 month certification, you will have the support of my team and me through:
Our biggest desire is to ensure you complete the requirements and earn your certification so you can build a profitable business - you will never feel alone!
On average, each module (which is released weekly) is around 90 minutes of teaching. There are two calls a month - one Q&A (60 minutes) and one student clinic (90 minutes). There are also practice sessions which need to be completed so we recommend 2-3 hours a week on average.
We have built in an integration week at the end of each month with no teaching modules which gives you space to catch up on any content you've missed, revisit teachings and complete your practice sessions.
YES! Mostly all of our current students have full time jobs (or other commitments) and are able to work the certification around their lives.
We host 2 live calls a month with Emily: The live Q&A Call and Student Clinic. It is a certification requirement to attend 5 out of 6 Q&A Calls and 5 out of 6 Student Clinics in their entirety during the course of your certification.
All calls are on Fridays at 1pm ET.
Plus weekly LIVE support calls with IEA Coach.
That depends! Are you making the impact and income you really want to?
Do you want to learn my specific energy healing modality?
Do you want to complete a certification that actually has a profit guarantee built into it?
Then yes, this is for you!
Yes! You can do so anytime during your certification, however, spaces are limited so it will depend on availability at the time you choose to upgrade.
As an IEA Practitioner in training, you are agreeing to the following commitments:
Yes! The IEA Practitioner Training has a limited number of scholarships available for people who are queer, trans, non-binary, Black, Indigenous, person of color, or disabled. You will receive 20% off the investment of the program available for all payment options.
When you fill out the application form there is an option to indicate that you are applying for a partial scholarship.
No! It's 100% yours! What we do is promote you for free to hundreds of ideal clients, but they book and pay directly with you!
YES! When you graduate, you receive both a paper certificate and a virtual one with logos that you are a certified practitioner that you can use on your website or in any other marketing materials.
No problem! Take the IEA Certification Quiz to find out which path is best for you!
We understand this is a big decision. If you have more questions, you can email Shaunah at hello@emilyaarons.com and she'll be able to answer all your questions!
Mastery & Ascension Membership is the ONLY Sacred Space For Spiritual Entrepreneurs To Receive Master-Level Energy Healing.
Here's what's included:
LIVE Monthly Energy Healing + Channeled Forecast
LIVE Monthly Group Reading
Meditation Vault with 200+ Meditations, Mini-Masterclass, Workshops, and More!
Reboot Energy Clearings
PDF Spiritual Alignment Guide
M&A Member Business Directory
Weekly Email Accountability
Supportive Global Community + Facebook Group
Private Podcast
We invite all graduates to become IEA Coaches. It's a great way to deepen your healing work and become a leader in this certification. All coaches are paid and also featured on my website!
Alternatively, we've just rolled out a 12-month mentorship program called The Spiritual Business Incubator which is a sacred 12-month container for coaches, healers, lightworkers, conscious entrepreneurs and aspiring spiritual leaders to learn how to blend SOUL + STRATEGY so you can finally see your dreams become a reality.
Please email hello@emilyaarons.com for more information.
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