Em & Deb’s VIP Day!

Em & Deb’s VIP Day!



Deb and I have been working hard on putting together a FULL DAY that will help you transform your business. There are only 8 spots available in-person but we’re also making it available to be a “fly on the wall” by attending virtually.

All attendees (in-person and online) will receive access to the replay of our event.


In short, it’s a day for us to help you breakdown your business to its CORE and rebuild it to allow you to be in FULL alignment with your soul purpose, your ideal soulmate clients, AND the strategy and full marketing plan to achieve it.


Saturday, October 21st


  • Plum Island, MA 
  • Online (view only)



Space Limited to 8 in-person

  • Meditation with Soulmate client
  • How to Create Offers that Sell Out, Freebies, and Funnels
  • Content Calendar
  • Soulful List Building
  • BIG Strategy

You will leave with a clear:

  • Knowing of Soulmate client
  • Aligned offer (price, package, release date, etc)
  • Strategic marketing plan
  • 30-Day Customized Content Calendar Specific to Your Brand
  • Connection with a supportive community
  • Inspiration


Em & Deb

I remember feeling like a loser and an outcast…crying my eyes out

I remember feeling like a loser and an outcast…crying my eyes out

When I was 12 years old I moved 3,000 miles away from my home in Palo Alto, California to a very small town North of Boston with my Dad and older brother. I felt more alone and isolated than ever in my life…also I was FREAKING 12~ basically the worst year of ANYONE’S life entering adolescence.

I managed to create a $400 phone bill for my dad because I was calling my friends almost daily to give myself a break from balling my eyes out.

  • I had no friends
  • I was growing boobs (sounds great, but it was actually embarrassing)
  • My father was always at work and never home
  • I was without a parent, family, or even an adult mentor, since my mom and I didn’t speak then (now she’s my BFF)
  • I was called horrific names in school by the (jealous) girls because of my body
  • I also started questioning my purpose in life and what I was meant to do…also it’s where my interest in alternative healing started…

I honestly didn’t even come back out of my shell until after high school when I attended Massage School. During the time, I learned about energy work. It was like the crazy shit in my life started to make sense all of a sudden. I also felt like I had a TRIBE where I belonged.

Fast forward about 17 years and NOW I’m more ME than I’ve ever been in my life. I realize HOW IMPORTANT it is to feel like I BELONG. I realize I need to feel like I’m part of a COMMUNITY of like-minded people. I can’t waste my time and energy on people who “don’t get me”.

Have I struggled to fit in?…YES

Have I felt like a loser?…..YES

Do I still get worried if people will like me?…NO, BIG FAT NO!….here’s why…

Something over the last year has shifted PROFOUNDLY in me. I don’t care about what everyone is thinking about me because I know that it doesn’t matter. I’ve managed to release my emotional blocks so that I can step into my power and serve.

I also know that I’m here to ATTRACT MY TRIBE, and by default, repulse people who aren’t my people.


My mindset and energy has transformed….

…towards money, success, healing, being openly OUT as a HEALER, a psychic, a business coach, and as a LEADER…

….guess what?

NOW, I’m serving at a higher level, making more money, helping more people than ever before.

If you’d like to learn more about HOW YOU CAN SHIFT YOUR MINDSET AND ENERGY I’d LOVE to teach you.

I only have 3 spots available for my 6-Week Soul Book VIP Program and the offer ends tomorrow, FRIDAY.

You can join for as little as $74 per week and I guarantee it will change your life and your business. CLICK HERE TO JOIN!


You’re here for a reason, and you have a special gift. It’s time to quit struggling so much and get yourself UN-STUCK and on the road to creating the life and business of your dreams!



P.S. If you’d like to chat more about how to go from STUCK to scaling your business in 6-months or less…hit reply. We can set up a time to talk about my upcoming Mentorship Program starting in September.